Friday, December 9, 2011

Run over , and steal a cart (Marture Content) 12/9/2011

Howdy Folks , Good Friday to everyone. Ok so today after school i was walking in the middle of the road towards shoprite, after getting my father's wallet from the car, and had this really random thought.

"What would happen if i got run over or backed into by a car " . I mean im surprised that has'nt happened to me yet . I mean when im walking around in parking lots and what not , i tend to not pay attention and drift off to LA La land. I bet if it weren't for my father pointing out cars that were ready to back out of a parking space...that by now i would've been backed over by a car and dead.

My word this could be me any day now if i don't pay attention

                        And this my body afterwards

Sorry ....not really ...but look here's something cute to look at to heal your bloody eyes ^.^.

Well anywho...moving along ...ummm i pretended to steal a cart o.0

After shoprite my father and i went to target to do some shopping . Once inside we started to pick up stuff but quickly filled up our little basket with two 6 packs of soda. So my father told me to get a cart . So off i go around the bend and down the main aisle that leads to the front door. On the way , i see two carts stuck together that are just chilling by their lonesome with no owner to be found. With an evil smirk i walk over to them and pull one out . Then i look around to make sure the coast was was ..and off i went with the cart MWAHAHAHHAHAH!!! Well thats all the exciting things i have to write about today .

                                                                    By Reina
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