Monday, February 25, 2013

4 days with my Bf 2/25/2013

From Thursday to Sunday I've spent everyday with my bf .  That's like a whole week together ...well only 4 days but still that a lot of time to spend together .  On Friday we went to a early bird showing of Dark Skies the day it came out. Since it was so early in the morning there weren't a lot of people in the theater with us ..which was nice ..but I caught myself wishing there were more people . So we could all scream together . Well the movie was nice and made me jump pretty good at one point.   

    Then on Saturday was my Bf's niece's birthday party . She turned 2 this year . The party was nice but chaotic because there was a lot of screaming kids there. So towards the end of the party me and my bf were upstairs on the computer. Then later that night me , my bf sister , and my bf played Dance Central with my Kinect that I brought over and kept over there till I came over the next day. Sunday we continued our Dance Central marathon...until the unspeakable happen. The shelf over the flat screen fell down , all of a sudden, and with it went my Kinect sensor!

     OMG did my heart just die right there and then. I thought I would've been broken for sure. Thank God that , after we got everything that fell, that it seemed to be all in one piece. Oh and this is ironic bf found their OWN long lost Kinect sensor behind the Tv. Fate must've heard my cry for them to find it . So then I could take my Kinect home with me where it belong. Ya see my bf had this insane thought in his head ...of keeping MY Kinect at their house because I come to their house a lot. Boy you must be crazy! Well anywho that's how the week with my Bf went . Now im here .

                                                             Dark Skies Trailer
  By Reina
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